Machine Learning for Art

ml4a is a collection of tools and educational resources which apply techniques from machine learning to arts and creativity.

Models Fundamentals ml5.js

Fundamentals of machine learning
Fundamentals of machine learning

Mathematical essentials for machine learning.

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Essentials of Python
Essentials of Python

A basic overview of programming with Python.

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Foundational mathematics
Foundational mathematics

A review of relevant concepts from linear algebra and calculus, and intro to Numpy.

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Classification & k-Nearest Neighbors
Classification & k-Nearest Neighbors

Introduction to classification using k-nearest neighbors algorithm

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Linear regression
Linear regression

Modeling data with line of best fit, basic gradient descent

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DIY neural network
DIY neural network

A numpy implementation of a neural network from scratch

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Neural networks in Keras
Neural networks in Keras

How to train a simple feedforward neural network

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Neural nets for classification
Neural nets for classification

How to apply neural networks for classification

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Convolutional neural networks
Convolutional neural networks

How to train a convolutional neural network

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Transfer learning
Transfer learning

Training accurate image classifiers on small datasets

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